Social Media Statement

The intention is to create engaging online communities that facilitate and encourage information sharing and conversations that are relevant to the plan members, participating employers, investors, prospective talent/ participating employers, employees and members of the public on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms (collectively the “Platform(s)”).


Pension Office will post only public information on its social media sites. Anyone who engages with the Pension Office on social media is agreeing to these guidelines, which may be updated from time to time, in addition to the terms and conditions of the respective Platform(s), which may be updated from time to time.

Non-permissible content includes but is not limited to URLs, comments and hyperlinks that:

  1. contain defamatory comments, abuse, threats, obscene, indecent or otherwise inappropriate statements and references to illegal activity;
  2. contain information that could reasonably be construed to compromise public safety;
  3. contain personal or confidential information, including confidential information about Pension Office or personal information of Plan Members;
  4. contains protected health information;
  5. are off-subject or out of context;
  6. advertise or promote a third party’s commercial product, service, entity or individual;
  7. contain copyright infringing material; or
  8. promote or endorse political campaigns/candidates

Pension Office reserves the right to delete content that is not related to the purpose of its social media sites.


Do not share confidential information (which includes, but is not limited to, personal pension information) on the Platforms. If you need to discuss confidential matters, please utilize the “Contact Us” link on


The information contained on the Pension Office’s social media sites is for information distribution and discussion purposes only. In the event of a conflict between the information contained on the Pension Office’s social media sites and the information contained on the Pension Office website or in Plan Member communications and official plan documents, the information contained on the Pension Office website and in Plan Member communications and official plan documents will govern. Any comments by or opinions of Plan Members or other individuals who engage on the Pension Office’s social media sites are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions of the Pension Office staff, the Board of Trustees, Pension Committee, or members of their Committees/ Sub-Committees.

Effective Date: September 6, 2022

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